Can Cloud HR Management Software Replace HR Managers? An analysis

Technological advancements in any corporate sector often raise one question, “Is it going to replace us?” Employees with years of expertise in the niche find themselves outdated whenever new technology hits the market. It is true that technologies are more efficient than humans, and may provide better business outcomes. But, there are many other associated factors that must come before you question about getting replaced by technology.
The adoption of computers in the late 80s in the Indian Banking Industry is the prime example of technology being a transformative force that revolutionized the overall industrial operations. Similarly, advanced cloud-based HR software have become valuable assets, assisting HR personnel in streamlining operations, and not with replacing them. These tools have relieved HRs from managing and storing data for further steps, enabling transparent workflow.
HRMS vs HRs | Myth Busted & Truth Revealed
Before jumping to conclusions, let’s understand the meaning and functioning of a smart cloud based HRMS software.
Human resource management software is a digital software that provides multiple features, considering HR operations and assists HR personnel in simplifying the workflow. It includes simplifying employee recruitment, onboarding, and documentation processes. Further, managing employee data, daily shift time, leave, attendance, payroll processing, etc., are the major features that cloud based payroll software provides to HRs.
Smart human resource management software enables effective solutions that save time for HRs and reduce their workload. The question is not if HRMS could replace HRs, but if it could enable simplification, automation, and optimization of HR processes that further allow HR personnel to focus on strategic and value-added activities.
Understand why HRMS complements HR personnel rather than replacing them
The factors mentioned below deeply explain the importance of HR personnel with expertise on smart HRMS tools. Let’s emphasize more on looking at these tools as complementary things rather than competition.
1. Employee Onboarding Management
Employee recruitment and onboarding is a continuous process where companies require candidates with relevant skills and work experiences. It includes various steps, including identifying candidate requirements, forming specific job descriptions, posting vacancies through various job portals, shortlisting candidates, etc. With employee life cycle management through smart cloud-based HR software, the process becomes much easier and less hectic.
Best HR solutions and tools provide a complete dashboard to HR personnel where they can streamline, store, manage, and maintain employee databases. The smart HRMS tool makes the hiring process much easier, as HR personnel can easily store candidates’ data to it, circulate the requirements to the team for internal hiring, make the job posting live through the portal, and shortlist candidates who fulfill the requirements. Top HRMS software has features to automate the overall onboarding process, making tasks effortless for HR managers.
2. Advanced Payroll Management
Payroll maintenance with manual, traditional, and outdated HRMS becomes hectic and inefficient, leading to problems like low employee engagement and satisfaction, higher attrition rates, etc. Cloud based payroll software ends employees’ conflicts with the management that usually occur due to poor payroll management, countless mistakes, and salary deductions.
Payroll software companies automate manual processes, ensuring HR personnel need not individually connect with every employee regarding payslips. Further, with employee self-service, the workforce generates payslips and gets a salary breakdown in no time. The cloud based payroll application helps with managing and calculating employees’ fixed salaries and variable incentives, considering factors like goal achievement, task completion, leave and attendance, etc. It relieves HRs from stress and simplifies complex processes.
3. Employee Leave & Attendance Management
Multiple types of leaves, like casual/ sick leave, restricted holiday, paternity leave, compensatory leave, special leave, and leave without pay (LWP) become easier to manage with a leave management software. Employees can easily apply through the HRMS portal, know leave balance, the company’s leave and attendance-related policies, etc. It makes the entire process of managing employee leave and daily attendance records paperless, enabling complete transparency at every step, and ensuring managed and error-free payrolls.
4. Employee Performance Management
Traditional ways of evaluating employee performance are inefficient, promote conflicts, and do not consider the actual value added by employees. It lacks transparency, making the need to integrate performance evaluation software. These tools provide features where employees can update their daily tasks, manage team requirements, assign tasks to teams, and measure the progress. Effective employee performance management becomes helpful when done with advanced cloud-based HR software as it provides detailed information to HR managers regarding employee performance, and helps during their annual appraisal. HR operations are dependent on each other, thus, smart HRMS make it easier and simplified.
5. Appraisal Feedback
Performance appraisal software provides templates to employees and their managers during appraisal. It allows employees to update details related to their daily tasks, KRAs, and projects. Further, managers receive the employee’s details and they fill their feedback on the portal itself. The cycle involves complete considerations of employees’ satisfaction on manager’s feedback, and they can initiate HR interference in case they’re not satisfied with their manager’s review. The overall appraisal cycle is employee-centric, making their contribution count. The smart leave tracking system and employee appraisal management software makes the overall process simplified, transparent, and effective for HR managers.
Are HR jobs secured with advanced HRMS?
As per statista, 47% of large-sized companies leverage licensed and on-premises smart human resource management software to simplify HR operations. The need to integrate the best HRMS tools in India defines its importance and effectiveness for MSMEs and large companies. The tools are effective in simplifying complex HR processes that HR managers do using outdated manners. It reduces HR intervention in administrative workloads, enabling them to make better informed strategic decisions. Let’s understand it with an example-
Startups with small employee sizes need to manage multiple tasks at once, leading to mismanagement. Therefore, leveraging a cloud-based HR software reduces their workload from HR processes. Similarly, integrating HRMS in established companies allows HR staff to form better employee-centric policies and gain data-driven insights to improve employee engagement and retention.